Passage of the baton

di Marra Superwholocked

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Monday, 21st January 2008

Three years ago I was in America, sleeping in my bed. Outside, the wind was blowing, hitting the windows and the curtains were flapping. Nobody knew who was I and my line of work was based on the theatre. I really love acting, don't misunderstood me, but I was only thirty-four and I feel I could go further.
I'm sleeping deeply, when something wakes me up, its a sound that knocks hardly on my head, like a hammer. What was that?, you're asking yourselves... It was the phone. My stupid phone rang. Well, when I realized what was happening, I took the receiver on the bedside table and answered it: «Oh my God! Why the hell you called me right now?!» Then, I heard a male voice saying: «I'm speaking with David Tennant, isn't it?» ...The world seemed to collapse above me: he was Christopher Eccleston! ...And I said him to go to hell... He didn't say much, but, after knowing it was really me, he said: «Daleks will be your future nightmare... Goodnight!» and he replaced the receiver.
Now, imagine a thirty-four year old man who had just known that he would have been the next Doctor. Yeah, I almost jumped on my bed, tried not to scream to avoid disturbing other hotel occupants. It was really difficult!
After two days, I received another telephone call from my manager assuring me this way: «Hello, Dave. BBC wants you for a tv ser...» I interrupted him and I started screaming like a girl: «Oh my God! Christopher wasn't joking! I'm the Doctah? I really am the Doctah?!» Well, I was in the park. Naturally, nobody knew me and I was totally different to my last character (Barty Crounch Jr.) with my wild shave and haircut. So, everyone around are looking at me from head to foot: they probably didn't know Doctor Who. I guess...
When I returned to London, I didn't mentioned to anybody about my new character: BBC loves secrets. Secrets are cool... Anyway, they told me a lot of things and I forgot them easily.
Then, I saw Tardis' interior and I think my face was a mad man's face. I believe I didn't see anything more beauty, amazing and magnificent than the famous Police Public Call Box. I felt on seventh heaven, a child in Disneyland! I kept walking without any destination at BBC's studios, telling to everyone I ran into my way «Hello, I'm the Doctah! Nice to meet ya!» They laughed heartily and went away. I was full of beans!
The next day, I returned to BBC's studios and they let me choose my costume. I think I walked through hundreds and hundreds rows of clothes. There were a lot of suits, casual clothes, jackets and colourful top hats. As they told me my Doctor was quiet and funny, romantic but also brave, clever and lover of races but also ready to face the Devil, I fell in love with a simple brown suit and a long and soft coat.
My first day on set corresponded with my first appearance as the tenth Doctor: I would still see the planet of Barcelona... Anyway, you should be there to hear Billie's laughs when we have seen the episode of my entrance and I've said that thing without meaning!
This new experience gave me the possibility to meet fantastic people and to establish many friendships with most of them: Billie is a really outgoing woman and she had been my guidance in this big adventure; Freema, unlike Billie and Catherine, is reserved and quiet, but more friendly; Catherine – oh, Catherine.. – is my best friend and she's a very hard-worker. Hers is my favourite character.
And then, I met Steven. Synonymous of death. He has got a sweet smile, but nobody is safe if he's armed with paper and pen... Run away till you're in time, Sherlock!
With BBC I grew up. My career grew up. I've seen a lot of planets and aliens and I've never been alone. But today is not my day: I can see right now Matt coming in, shy and cold, with a child eyes. So, I would end with an incredible statement, but I can't do it because Susan, my make-up expert, prevents me to CON-CEN-TRATE!
Well... I cannot speak about my life, but I wanna just say: thank you. Thank you all. Thank you, BBC. Thank you, my dear and lovely fans.
Thank you, Georgia.


David Tennant

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