
di Jessica Verger

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I was in the bathroom when I hear a knock on the door, I say I'm not ready, but he bangs and screams, I do not know what happened, I open the door and he enters the room with fury. he takes me and slams me to the side, telling me what to do with him. I explain that last night I tried to kiss me while I was going to sleep, but I ran away from him and kicked him. he shrugs me and screams me that I'm his alone, I cry and tell her I love him, he takes my chin and kisses me, biting my lips, hurts but I understand that his is a gesture of request and fear , afraid of losing me. I tell her that only he exists for me, he smiles and kisses me removes the tears from my eyes, hugs me, I feel at home with him. I feel his hand inside my shirt and play with my breasts, while I go against it with my chest, the breath makes it sweet, turns me around and takes me in his arms, takes me into his bed, covering me with blankets, and it spreads close to me, we hug, we kiss and stay so 'all night. I wake up at 5 in the morning, he and I turn around, I surround him with his arms, he wakes up slowly and with one hand touches me underneath, I whisper that I just want to stay near him, then mason turns and hugs me , like two fetuses in the belly, in a fetal position, together, united, our warmth unites us, a whisper to love me and I tell her that he and my strength, like the waves are the forces of the sea.

Questa storia č archiviata su: EFP
