Not a case. A person

di OperationFailed

Disclaimer: questo testo è proprietà del suo autore e degli aventi diritto. La stampa o il salvataggio del testo dà diritto ad un usufrutto personale a scopo di lettura ed esclude ogni forma di sfruttamento commerciale o altri usi improri.

Una piccola chicca per chi come me ama l'inglese e ancor di più ama la forza evocativa dei dialoghi in lingua *w*
Sono tutti i discorsi che avete trovato nel capitolo, così come sono venuti in mente a me.
Prima in inglese, poi li ho tradotti in italiano (soffrendo molto nel farlo).
Non garantisco la totale correttezza delle frasi, perché per quanto mi piaccia l'inglese, lo conosco a livello poco più che scolastico.
Buona lettura ^^


«Morning Mister Holmes. What brings you here?»
«I’ve just dropped by to say hello»


«They had finished salicylic acid… Is everything ok?

You’ve been there for eight hours. Shouldn’t you eat, or stand up, or go to the toilet?»
«… Did you count it?»
«I’ve just thought going for a walk, or whatever, would have helped you coming earlier to the solution»
«No solution for this, John»
«I can hardly believe it, Sherlock. I wouldn’t believe it even if I saw it with my own eyes»
«Not a case. A person»


«His name was Sherrinford and he’s been part of every day of my life. He was special. Too, special. He had in his chest that heart that has never been really mine»

«This means you were–»
«You’ve never told me!»
«You’ve never asked for it. Sherrinford Holmes, just a little bit elder than me. A myocardium big at least as much as his genius. And I assure you that his cleverness was by far bigger than Mycroft and mine’s»
«What happened?»
«Aortic valve stenosis is not exactly a pin point, you should know it. I wasn’t talking of myocardium just to chat. His had got double dimension compared to a young man’s in good health conditions»
«B–but heart transplant exists, and als– »
«Risk possibilities were too high, and he wasn’t keen to deal with rejection. Almost inevitable in his case. When the doctors suggested surgery, he smiled and told them he hadn’t got time for such silly things. I don’t lie when I say I don’t have a heart. He’d got it for both of us, and when he died I became heartless»


«At first, he was like us. Running and playing and laughing and doing all that typical childhood silly things. A big heart is a slow heart, though. He stopped running. Then he stopped walking. Mycroft used to invent cases and I used to solve them, so we could amuse him and – most of all – make him laugh. He told we were funny, ridiculously blind… He stared at us for a while banging against the wall – as he used to say – like sonarless bats, then he chased us with his wheelchair, screaming we were too slow and dull and throwing whatever he had within his reach to us. I think I still have granddad’s spittoon’s scar somewhere behind my ear»


«Did you get on well?»

«We Holmes detest ourselves, it’s a family tradition. Sherrinford, besides, had a peculiar emotional sphere’s conception, totally conflicting mine. More suitable for a sentimental like you. He claimed assassin’s emotion at the moment of the murder is vitally important, as much as the detective’s emotional involvement. He was unbelievably clever, but not on this front. I’ve never been able to change his mind, he was such a stubborn!»


«Have you got a picture?»

«Don’t need it. Don’t take the chance to forget him. See him every day. In the mirror»
«Like two peas in a pod»
«Why–why have you never told me that?»
«Not aware of your wizard’s abilities»


«Don’t you read it?»

«Already know what’s written in it»
«Can I read it?»
«No reason for you to do it»


«So, wanna go for that walk?»


Questa storia è archiviata su: EFP
