Recensioni per
Delitto e castigo
di justlookingforyou

Questa storia ha ottenuto 2 recensioni.
Positive : 2
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Nuovo recensore
09/10/16, ore 00:53

Sono molto curiosa! L'escamotage (si scrive cosė? XDD) letterario di non rivelare subito il soggetto mi ha preso moltissimo. Voglio saperne di pių al pių presto <3

Nuovo recensore
08/10/16, ore 16:44

This isn't something I would have thought I'd see on EFP (or any other fanfiction website) one day. Usually stories dealing with that subject are about Mika cheating on Andy with someone we actually know, most of the time someone from XF. But here it's a stranger, and that makes all the difference. Because it's a "one night" mistake, prompted by loneliness and alcohol and the feeling that someone was wanting him, was ready and available and physically present.
And you say it really simply -which makes it all the more striking, "Fare sesso con un altro č facile. Guardare in faccia la persona con cui stai da dieci anni dopo averlo fatto, invece, č difficile." And even though the memory of this stranger met in a club fades away until becoming only a ghost, something insignificant compared to the actual love Andy and Mika have for each other, the "mistake" becomes something that's too big and too painful to keep for himself, until he can't stay silent anymore, end even though he knows confessing himself will force the other person (I'm not saying names because you're right, it could be any of them, it would make no difference) to share this painful burden. Even though it's an egotistical act, in a way. That's one way of seeing it, btw, one could argue that it's actually the right thing to do, being honest, but I think it's not as easy as it seems -even if it's right doesn't mean it can't be egoistical.
I don't know where my review's going (I'm so bad at writing reviews oh my god, I always feel like there's so much more I want to say) but yeah, this is a really interesting take on this particular subject, I have already read this three times, and I'm loving your writing style as usual. xxx