Recensioni per
di Sayacchan

Questa storia ha ottenuto 2 recensioni.
Positive : 2
Neutre o critiche: 0

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Recensore Veterano
18/07/18, ore 02:05
Cap. 1:

Ohhhh carina, davvero, davvero molto carina. :) poche righe, ma dolci. Una bella lettera mai scritta, una di quelle che si conserva solo infondo all'anima. Complimenti!

Nuovo recensore
19/10/17, ore 11:31
Cap. 1:

[I'm sorry, I'm still learning how to speak italian and I couldn't write a nice review in this language]
Oh my god, that was seriously so sweet! That's EXACTLY what I believe that is going through Lance's head, but he chooses not to express it because of his insecurities.
It was really intense, keep the hard work!