Videogiochi > Dark Souls
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Autore: Daraen of Eyirinmert    09/07/2014    3 recensioni
Hi all, ladies and gentleman!
I'm Daraen, and this is my first Fanfiction... and maybe the last.
I was playing chess and, don't ask me how, it came in my mind: "How was Artorias feeling before his last fight when not hollow?"
Ok, it was not exactly what i thought, but who care?
So, I hope you enjoy it and... please, tell me something. If you find it interesting, stupid, the worst you have ever read... but tell me something.
Genere: Fantasy | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: Nessuna
Note: AU, OOC | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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6th Day My last day.

What was I thinking of doing? I'm a knight, not a god! I only wanted to redeem myself,
not to suicide! The Abyss... I'm so close to its core that I can feel darkness spreading
all over me... on my skin, in my soul... 

Am I becoming mad? No, not mad. I'm just scared. How could I blame myself? New Londo... 
I wasn't able to save my home, how could I protect Oolocile? 
Darkness is already in my soul... I can not do it. 




No, I can't. I can't surrender. Not now! Not now that I am so close! I must do it! For 
my sake! For the people of Oolacile, for his future! For the ones who trust me! For Sif...
my only true friend. The one who accompanied me in this venture even if he wasn't obblidged.
The one who I swore to protect with my own life! The one who was able to warm my soul
even when I couldn't see the light... for their future, I swear I'll win. 

Come on Abyss, I'm Artorias, and I'll show you my light!
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