Fanfic su artisti musicali > David Bowie
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Autore: AquilanteMalabestia    10/01/2017    0 recensioni
Storia di un'icona pop chiamata Apollo e di come riuscě a sorpassare tutti gli altri dči.
Genere: Drammatico, Fantasy, Sentimentale | Stato: in corso
Tipo di coppia: Slash
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: Contenuti forti, Tematiche delicate, Violenza
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So what's the next step?

"Dictatorship," says Bowie. "There will be a political figure in the not too distant future who'll sweep this part of the world like early rock and roll did.

"You probably hope I'm not right. But I am. My predictions are very accurate ... always."


"You've got to have an extreme right front come up and sweep everything off its feet and tidy everything up. Then you can get a new form of liberalism.


"So the best thing that can happen is for an extreme right Government to come. It'll do something positive at least to the cause commotion in people and they'll either accept the dictatorship or get rid of it.

- Intervista a David Bowie, 1975. *
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