Poetry which reflects the soul..

di Shining_Harmony

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Now that you can’t have me you suddenly want me…
Closer, we got so closer to this yesterday..
I don’t want to know I’m walking away
If you’ll be mine.. is our relationship changing?
In a better way, in a worse? Are we loving? Who? Us?
Lovers, friends, more than friends.. what are we?
I DO care about you, about us and it seems like you do too, from what you said yesterday.
Do I have to take my own way?
I don’t want to, even if someone tells me I should.
It was perfect yesterday, don’t let everything be ruined from a shit, please.
Maybe that step is what we must do, I want to discover it.
I love you, darling, I will always care about us.
Please demonstrate me again what you did and said yesterday.
Just another thing, maybe it will seems crazy:

Questa storia è archiviata su: EFP
