di blueclipse

Disclaimer: questo testo č proprietā del suo autore e degli aventi diritto. La stampa o il salvataggio del testo dā diritto ad un usufrutto personale a scopo di lettura ed esclude ogni forma di sfruttamento commerciale o altri usi improri.



Snow snow,

Fall fall.

Dance with the wind.

Paint with your magic

Trees and hills.

Paint paint,

Make everything white.

Snow snow,

Fall fall.

Dance with the wind.

Make a smile appear

on every face.

Play play

with children and adults.

Snow snow,

Fall fall.

Dance with the wind.

Free free,


Old or young

Blind or sad.

Snow snow,

Fall fall.

Dance with the wind.

Change everything you touch.

Sparkle sparkle,

Glitter glitter,

Under the warm sun.

Snow snow,

Fall fall.

Dance with the wind,

Little snowflake.

Questa storia č archiviata su: EFP
