coming back

di Dark_sky

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Close your eyes and take a breathe,

Imagine a purple sky over your head,

Your soul feel the darkness,

And in your vein there's no blood,

Are you that screaming (do you scream) for so long? 

Your lips are purple now,

Your throat  do an orrible sound,

Please, please coming back soon

Put your hand up and touch the moon.



Someone is talking now,

But you don't listen, you are feeling down,

There's a weight on your shoulder,

A pain in your heart,

Did you know? the lonliness is coming back

'Cause the happiness is gone so fast.


Is there someone who's missing?

Is there anyone who's crying?

your heart is falling to pieces,

your eyes are brocken for the tears,

don't you feel any fears?



Questa storia č archiviata su: EFP
