Gala Evening

di Tom Lestrange

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Ciao a tutti! Vi lascio con questa flashfic in inglese interamente scritta da me, in cui si parla di una serata di gala! spero sia possibile pubblicare contenuti in lingua inglese, e spero altrettanto vi piaccia!
Mi raccomando di lasciare qualche recensione costruttiva!
Enjoy :) - Tom Lestrange

As soon as he got out of the car, Martin felt uneasy.
An attendant took the keys of his car and parked it somewhere else.
He looked around and felt even more uneasy.

Alla around him there were people dressed in a smart way: men with black suits, and women with long sleeveless dresses and diamonds on their necklaces. Even though Martin had never been to a gala evening before, he had read about those events in many books, but partecipating to one was completely different; the atmosphere was pleasant but it was possible to feel the tension in the air.

After a while Martin took his courage with both hands and entered the manorhouse. Inside the atmosphere was pleasanter, and chattering filled the air. He took a glass of champagne and walked around the room introducing himself to influent men.
All of a sudden he saw her. The woman of his life. She was laughing, and she was so beautiful in her blue-green dress with her hair gathered up into a chignon. From that moment on he felt no more uneasy, and the evening got better after he asked Rose to dance.

Questa storia č archiviata su: EFP
