All about Izumo and Kotetzu

di Loopy

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"Good kids, this is accademy and is where you go for other many years, I hope you'll enjoy it here!
But well, tell me your names!"
"Kakashi, Yamato, Hayate, Genma, Anko...."
"Well, well... but now I'm Ibiki Morino"
Oh man, what a scary man!
-Pss, psss...can I talk to you? -Yes, I'm so boring!
This child have a black-blue hairs all fired at up in the air!
He seem really nice.
-Oh dude, he is really GRIM!
"Shut up child, don't chatting!"
We swallow frightened and we watch in eyes trembling!
"Watch me, do you see it? Its all my chackra, is all mine! Now try to do it!"
-Man, I can't! -Me too dude!

(In the finish school)
-Oh, can I go to back home with you? 
-Of course where you live?
-Oh, dude hi!
-Wait -What? -Where you live? -Near Hokage's home! -I can to visit you in 1 hour? -Sure, COMING SOON -Bye, COMING SOON!

Questa storia č archiviata su: EFP
