Peach Vodka and Cheap Rhum

di Hyre

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la seguente stroia è scritta in inglese non chiedetemi perchè questo slcero, ed è liberamente ispirata all'MV di Run... che dire.... ci vediamo in fondo a questa misera os.



-Yoongi-hyung, please, stop…-

The older was deaf to Jeonkook’s requests. He was screaming and crying at the same time. He tossed all the paper glass off the table. Peach flavored vodka and cheap rum dripped on the floor.
Jeonkook watched the pitiful scene acting in front of him a bit worry for his hyung.
Min Yoongi - his secret love - was destroying himself. His young heart was beating for a person who never looked at him in the same way. This person was Park Jimin.
Jimin was perfect: all kind smiles and red cheeks. He was tall as Yoongi, maybe some centimeters shorter, he had black twinkling eyes and soft lips that gave him a baby like face.
Jeonkook hated Jimin. He hated with all his heart. He hated him because he drifted his hyung away from him. He hated him because stole Yoongi heart within a second. He heated him because Jimin never-never- understand how deeply in love Yoongi was for him.
Why was? Well, Park Jimin isn’t the same person that was some days ago.

-Hyung… please-

Jeonkook was still begging Yoongi to stop, without results. He tried to stop him by himself but the older was stronger in some way. His desperation was his energy. Yoongi pushed the younger away from him screaming beastly, tossing his head behind him as he’s possessed by a demon. Jeonkook fall on the stairs heading to the first floor hurting his back. He stood up in a rush grabbing Yoongi’s shirt from the front and punching him right in the face

-You need to stop hyung!- shouted Jeonkook crying –I’m done with this shit! You started drinking so much that you don’t even remember your name! Go to hell you and your stupid one-sided love!-

As expected Yoongi didn’t say a word but reply at the younger with another punch, sending him on the floor with blood running down his bottom lip.
Jeonkook looked at him with tears on his eyes, tears mixed up with delusion.

-You’re a piece of shit Min Yoongi. I’ve always been there for you. Always. Even when you where drooling by that girl at the disco 2 years ago. I’ve been there when you fall for Jimin and I’m still here even if both know that he will never see you as a fiancé. And I’m here supporting and helping you even if I fall for you long time ago…-

-W..what? Do… Do you love me?- these were the firsts words spoke by Yoongi since they where there.

-Yes. Fucking yes, hyung. But you where so blind that your eyes only see Jimin…-

Jeonkook was crying silently looking at his beloved

–What will you do now? Now that he’s in a psychiatric hospital? What will you do? You’ll go visit him for the rest of your miserable life? Do I need to remember you that he’s in that hospital with his lover? Do I need to remember you that Hoseok love Jimin, and Jimin love him back? You have no chance with him. - the younger spoke sharply trough his tears while leaving Yoongi alone in that peach vodka and cheap rum flavored room.

Ok allora, intanto mi scuso se ho fatto degli errori, ma ho scritto questa cosa in un momento sclero che non so perchè. Non so nemmeno perchè in inglese, voglio dire... non mi sento affatto sicura della mia grammatica inglese, eppure il lavoro uscito non mi sembra malaccio (lascio a voi i commenti)...
Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate, sia della stroia che su eventiali errori.


Questa storia è archiviata su: EFP
