Shades of Colors

di ghostking

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The sky was grey outside the wood window of the room, there were strange shades of blue and white made by the light of the sun hidden from the clouds.
On the room everything silence.
Nico opened his eyes slowly and he sat up on the edge of the bed.
His hair was messy and he has bags round his dark eyes.
He was wearing a light-grey t-shirt that left uncover his tattoo on the left arm.
Under the blankets, by his side, there was a blond boy rapt in his sleep.
Nico turned, twisting his body hust enough to observe him.
It was the first night they spent together and it was amazing. Nothing special happened, they had been cuddle up among the blankets looking at each other, whispering with eyes half-closed.
One of the best night of Nico's life.
They had fallen asleep almost at the same time, but Nico held out to observe the blond boy calmly.
He had beautiful blond hair that fanned out on the pillow, his lips were full and fair and he had cute freakles on his face.
A heavenly vision.
Nico got up and walking with naked foot on the parquet, he reached Will.
He sat next to bed and he looked at him, then slowly he slipped a trembling hand on his hair. It was lukewarm and soft, Nico started playing with it, thrice a smile.
The contact woke up Will, and when his eyes were opened Nico 's face laid down in a largest smile.
-Mornin' Sunshine-

Questa storia č archiviata su: EFP
