
di LeoValdez00

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I remember when you said “I'll stay”.
While you grabbed my hand and smile,
I was lost in your lies, your beautiful lies.
How could you hurt me so much?
I thought we were going to Live,
We were going to laugh and cry.
I should have kept every Memory,
Just to remember who we were.
I should have been careful,
Conserving every fragment of our Youth.
It was a lie, a tempting offer of eternal Happiness.
But I was stupid and blind,
I was so in love with our Future
You could have told me everything,
I would have believed you.
In your eyes I saw a promise,
A hidden oath of Eternity.
I'm standing here, now,
Alone among people.
Tears like rains on my skin,
I hate you, for what I have become.
A lonely girl in Black,
Crying for a broken vow.
We were Immortal
Only in our Dreams.

Chiedo perdono per la lingua, ma ho scritto questo piccolo pensiero in inglese ed è praticamente intraducibile.
Un grazie in anticipo a chiunque abbia perso un po' del suo tempo su questa pagina.
Dati i molti fraintendimenti che questa 'poesia' ha causato tra le persone che conosco, asserisco che non tratta di amore, ma di amicizia.
Un'amicizia vista come una serie di promesse infrante a causa di una prematura dipartita.

Questa storia è archiviata su: EFP
