hotel e cioccolatini

di Jessica Verger

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me, mason, margot and will we are in a hotel, mason to pay a huge room, where there are single beds, will and margot will stay together while I will stay with mason. And evening margot and will be watching TV, I'm in bed and get ready, mason approaches and tells me that tonight wants to have sex with me, I am stunned and I tell her that she can not since we are not alone. are 2 am, will and margot sleep and I'm still awake, I feel that my bed is moving, mason enters my blankets and tells me to turn around, we are tight since it is a single bed, I turn and feel his sweet breath of chocolate, I kiss him on the chin, he smiles and kisses me on the mouth, I feel his tongue looking for me, I wrap it, stop kissing me and pulls out a chocolate saying to take it in my mouth, I do it, and at the taste of hazelnuts and good. he kisses me while I'm eating chocolate, he takes it and tastes it, this makes me very excited, he with his hand enters my pants and masturbates me while I'm still kissing and stroking his underpants an erection I love the fact that we are in a hotel, along with margot and will and they do not know I'm having sex with mason .. but it's a secret .. shhhh ...

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