
di Jessica Verger

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jessica and the patient with more problems, also Mason verger, the new patient of the psychiatrist clinic. while I'm going through to see the patients I realized that my work is not at all nice, every day I have to see the dark side of the human mind. I go down and go to the department of violent, where Jessica and Mason are in two cells nearby, while I go down I hear them laugh. jessica holds the hand of Mason and he tries to kiss her, I call them and they turn and laugh in my face, once we kept them together but it ended badly, they started to have sex in front of everyone and without limits , mason and a mentally ill and jessic and perverse pedophile and a killer. he asks me if for an hour he can be with Jessica, he asks me with wide eyes and I see his suffering, I turn around and I see that there is nobody around, I open and leave them alone. jessica with her fork approaches me and laughs, I do not like it, she's laughing, or scared .. I run away but she traps my back. Mason approaches, looks at the corpse of the guard and laughs, laughs exceedingly, takes Jessica and kisses her, kisses her hard and she reciprocates, undress and make love for hours in a row, theirs and a sick love, but and love true, brutal, strong. They leave the clinic, killing everyone and living free to be together

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