ENG: Late

di Hhxpe

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"Ennis, they found it out this morning. they're coming for me. I chose to send my last letter to you, i know this is not the best way to tell someone i'm gonna die, but what else can i do? I obviously can't come to Wyoming, it's too late, and you can't come in Texas either. i'm sorry for what i said at Brokeback the last time we met, i'm really sorry. i love you more than anyone else, and i'm not afraid of write it down on this paper. Our time is over, i can't do anything. i'd pray for a last kiss if i could, but i have to consider myself lucky if i still can find enough time to ship you this letter. I have to ask you one last thing. when i'll be dead, i want my ashes to be spread at Brokeback, in memory of our love. Nobody will ever know what Brokeback kept secret in his Mountains in these 20 years, but it's enough for me. if we could, i would ask you to marry me. Who knows, maybe there'll be one day where we'll be together again, i really hope so. but in this world, in this life. love doesn't always win. This was our story, our real, big secret. And please, don't forget who we were, what we were. Stronger than an army, stronger than pain, because we made it become power, and if you have power, you don't need anything else. goodbye. -Jack." Ennis stared at the piece of paper in his hand, barely holding back his tears. He refolded it, already soaked. If only he knew that his last letter was hid in the garden's grass all along, he would have rush to Texas immediately. He could have saved his life if he only found it before. in his other hand, the deceased letter was now crumpled furiously, also wet of tears. He looked at the grass in which the letter had been lying for several days. "I'd be crazy with a husband like you, you dumbass." He laughed. "Congratulations, Ennis Del Mar, you're married again."

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