ENG: Heart Owner

di Hhxpe

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Hearts are fragile. If you don't know how to manage them, don't take them. I had his heart, i always had it since the beginning, and now i destroyed it, despite i begged myself not to do it. It was late when i realized that he just wanted to save me, but to do so, he had to sacrifice himself. And it was really, really hard for both of us. So hard that i preferred killing myself, but failing when he saved me again, and i promised him that i would never leave him, because we were in love with each other, despite nobody, not even us, knew it. And i have to say that: he had always tried to refrain from being rejected by me in such weird ways, but how could I, the one that, at the real end, loved him the most reject my same feelings? We were going well, but suddenly, i fell in love with Her, and it was there where i really didn't know what to do. Although he needed me so much in his life, i wanted to be loved by Her, by Him, ending with having both just as close friends. I never truly understood him, and now i'm sorry. I'm sorry because he felt anguish because of me, while I was unconsciously obscuring the person who he had always been, and I continued arguing with him even though the real problem was Me. I'm sorry because i was the source of both smile and sadness, i'm sorry because the last one won on the first, i'm sorry because it's my fault if he's not here with me anymore, and because i can't feel the cute but rude ways in which he tried to reach my heart anymore. And finally, i'm sorry because you'll be missing me again, forever. Because if you own a heart, you must be extremely careful with it: it's the most fragile thing you can ever have, and if you destroy it, you will not get it back. And then, suddenly, you become a Heart Destroyer. -Balder

Questa storia č archiviata su: EFP
