
di Writing_with_Venom

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It doesn't matter how hard you try
You no longer can deny
All your sins are passing by
And you try, try,
Try to pull in
But is was all a fucking lie.

Even now, when you're alone
You can't stand yourself more
And you try, try to survive
Through venom, lies and abuses.
That's why I took my knives
And I dig a hole in my chest
So that my heart could finally rest.

I bleed it out, all the words that I couldn't take
All the screams I couldn't make
All the faces  I couldn't see
All the tears that were breaking me.

I was anxious, now I'm not
I was scared, now I'm not
I was a monster, now I'm God
Now I'm free
Now I'm gone

Questa storia č archiviata su: EFP
