A heart made of ice, can it ever melt?

di Hermione18

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Opaline was reflecting on the words she had said to Misty a few hours earlier.


"And will you give me the cutie mark?" asked Misty scared


"That miserable drop of Dragonfire is not enough! And you're not enough Misty! Until you prove to me that you are really helpful, and you bring me that dragon!"


Maybe I've been too hard on her. In the end is just a small foal. She doesn't deserve this. I know I'm wrong, but I'm doing it for her. I want to give her a better life than mine. A thousand years ago, when I was still a naive foal, I really believed that having friends was everything, that it was enough to solve the problems. But that wasn't the case. I have always given them all of myself, I have always been kind, generous .... GOOD.


But instead they stabbed me in the back. That's why I raised Misty away from everyone. I have always tried to protect her, and I will continue to do so. I won't let what happened to me happen to her. I'm going to spare her that pain. I don't want her to get attached to other ponies. I don't want them to hurt her. I'll be wrong, with her I'm not really a very good 'mother', but as soon as I have what is mine, I will do everything to become one. That sweet foal saved me. When her eyes met mine, I realized that we had chosen. So I decided to take it under my wing. I never understood why she wasn't afraid of me, since everyone always feared me. She, on the other hand, every time she cried, as soon as I took her between my hooves she calmed down.

Perhaps this was the best decision I've ever made in my entire life. When I see the pain in her eyes, I would like to drop this armor that surrounds me, and I would like to hold her to me, tell her that I love her, that it is the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me, that it has changed my life, that thanks to her I have started to feel feelings again, that for many years I have tried to I don't want her to get attached to me. If the plans don't go well, I don't want Misty to suffer for me. I want her remember me like a heartless monster, so I will spare her the pain, in fact she will be happy to have gotten rid of me. When I understand that it will be too late, I will take her away from me. I don't want her to witness my defeat. But I hope my plan is successful, so I can finally give her all my love, and become a good mother. She and I together, united against everything and everyone. But this time I'm going to apologize to her. I've been too tough.


Opaline entered Misty's room, and saw that she had fallen asleep, but the pillow was wet with tears. So he silently approached her, gently stroked her mane and spoke to her softly:


"Misty, I know you're hurt by my words. I acted abruptly. I didn't really think what I said. It's not true that you're not enough, in fact, you're everything to me. I know I've never shown it to you, but I want you to know. I know I'm too hard, but I only do it for your own good. I promise you that as soon as all this is over, I will forgive myself, I will give you all the good in the world, I will be a good mother to you, Misty. And remember. You are the most beautiful thing that could happen to me. I love you," Opaline concluded by giving her a kiss on the forehead, and one last caress. She hoped Misty was sleeping and didn't hear her.

Opaline thought as she left the room.


Misty opened her eyes

"Then her heart is not completely ice. She really cares about me. I didn't dream of it." Misty concluded as a tear fell on her.

Questa storia č archiviata su: EFP
