
di ipeorsky

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Questo č il testo della canzone che ho scritto con Peter.
L'ho scritto da solo.

I dropped the lowest piece of dream
and rusted my old truth

for wake up with your eyes in mine
and split my heart in two

breathed heaven-high clouds by:
I never was so far.

So I feel like a drop of rain
that tries to climb and trust.

The ash gets white
my heart grows up as wild
break the lines
to fill the hole in mine
so I think you gotta go-go home
babe, don't say all the magic as gone.

Here again with soul in hands
the soldier with no guns

ain't you went so with that fly
becoming who you want

I ate the thing I never said
And told right on your face

What I think about my road
and how to drive it clean.

Questa storia č archiviata su: EFP
