Rei Hino
Membro dal: 08/03/08
Recensore Master (561 recensioni)
Current Residence: Rome

Interests: Cinema, books, theatre, Manga (shonen/shonen-ai/yaoi), anime, Star Trek, William Shatner. Good Omens, Michael Sheen

Favourite movie: Back to the future/Star trek I/Star Trek V and more more more...

Favourite band or musician: Queen/The Clash

Favourite genre of music: Everything from 1700 until 1991

Favourite artist: Andy Warhol

Favourite poet or writer: Oscar Wilde/Giacomo Leopardi/Omero/Michael Augustyn/Robert Harris

Favourite photographer: Julia Cameron/David LaChapelle

Obsessions; Slash, William Shatner, Star Trek, Science-fiction, Disney's classics, my cat, Plato, Vlad Tepčs, Japan, Space, Roman Empire, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Good Omens, Michael Sheen

Occupation; lavoro al bar, sono una mamma, idiota a tempo perso

Hobbies; write, read, cinema, draw, Michael Sheen

  1 - 10inches4happiness

  2 - Babs71

  3 - Captain Soyuz

  4 - F l a n

  5 - Fatanera

  6 - GladiaDelmarre

  7 - Ile Dana

  8 - Inicaz

  9 - Just_a_J_really

  10 - Luisa Wilde

  11 - MaeveMakt

  12 - MkBDiapason

  13 - Noni

  14 - Nyhal92

  15 - RKM

  16 - Saira

  17 - zoisite