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Lottare per vivere
di Meramadia94

Questa storia ha ottenuto 34 recensioni.
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Recensore Master
29/08/12, ore 18:44

Scusami, non prendermi per cattiva ma ...questa storia non è che mi abbia entusiasmata molto.
Ti dirò: l'inizio non mi ha accattivata ,alla fine ci sono rimasta male.

Recensore Veterano
23/07/12, ore 23:51

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, Well a new story, poor Dartagnan you do suffer an equestrian competition, well I think the Gascon is not the best rider, remember that the way to Callas, I throw Rocinante, he had to go with Aramis in horse, and it was the only time, but the others refused to participate, Athos was the champion last year, had to change, impossible Porthos, Aramis would have been the best choice, better rider, it is also lighter, but she did not wanted to participate, the decision was the king and captain them Dartagnan elected, he was happy to participate, even I was afraid to fail, the confidence of his friends helped him, he asked Constance if he won something, perhaps it was marriage ?, Aramis is jealous of the two lovers, she remembers her beloved Francois, if you want them to be happy, but an accident at the end of the route change history, perhaps Aramis see again reflected his tragedy, but do not think it was an accident is a good horse Rocinante, would not make a fuss about nothing, he would not do anything to hurt the young man, I think there was cheating, Rocheford not want to lose like last year?, poor Constance, I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ ______ ^.

Recensore Master
23/07/12, ore 13:26

Evvai, un'altra storia che promette bene e che mi stuzzica già molto dall'inizio!
Felicissima di leggere tante storie con d'Artagnan come protagonista, sìsì!!!
Si presuppone, dal titolo e da quello che lascia presagire il finale di capitolo, una storia mooooltooooo angst, genere che ADORO!!! Il mio preferito!!!
Poi la caratterizzazione dei personaggi e l'interazione fra loro è resa davvero bene e praticamente uguale all'anime, leggendo si respirava la stessa aria scanzonata del cartone animato!
Aspetto curiossima il seguito e di sapere che conseguenza ha riportato d'Artagnan dalla cattura, non presagisco nulla di buono per lui...
A presto, anche con l'altra tua storia!!!