Recensioni per
Ferro e Fuoco
di hera85

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Recensore Veterano
15/09/12, ore 06:16

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, Dartagnan using the Musketeers went to investigate what had become his enemy, but the damage was measured only in the morning, the fire was dalos more serious, I could only try to find the culprit who got thanks to CD , try to find the iron mask hiding, but is studying for hours only clued him, have to be careful, it could be a trap, but it was better than nothing, was the only lead they had, the iron mask is challenging and they fall into their trap, thanks for sharing ^ ____ ^.

Recensore Master
12/09/12, ore 12:31

Sebbene ci sia qualche errore grammaticale, la storia procede bene; D'Artagnan è rapido di pensiero nonostante la sua giovane età.