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Questa storia ha ottenuto 2 recensioni.
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Recensore Veterano
20/10/12, ore 21:09

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, Dartagnan felt defeated by their enemies, after what happened, but with the help of his friends and tell all the captain, showing the evidence that was finally able to end the dangerous gang of bandits, his name was cleaned and the young chief was not defeated, now with friends, have the confidence of the captain, not bad, it's a good job, thanks for sharing ^ _____ ^.

Recensore Master
14/10/12, ore 13:27

Bentornata! E' giusto che D'Artagnan abbia avuto la sua rivincita, come č giusto per chi ha suběto ingiustamente, ed ha lavorato per lo scopo. La storia č scritta abbastanza bene, ma ti suggerisco di dare un'occhiata alla punteggiatura e all'html; aspetto i tuoi nuovi lavori.