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Recensore Veterano
20/10/12, ore 21:12

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, A new fic Aramis now giving advice to his young friend, she always looks like a younger brother, always there for him, tries to comfort him to show what he has achieved against its enemies without counts , but he was defeated Aramis words have given a picture that he had not thought, well that is part of the Three Musketeers importate, you have shown the fraternal side between Aramis and Dartagnan even before knowing his secret , that's why he accepted it without problems, for she is like a sister, even more after knowing who he is, I hope your next fic is about our favorite couple, thanks for sharing ^ ____ ^

Recensore Master
17/10/12, ore 13:24

La frustrazione di D'Artagnan è più che normale dopo tutto quello che gli è successo a causa dei suoi nemici, ma la saggia Aramis gli apre gli occhi sulla realtà; forse da questo riuscirà a ripartire.