Recensioni per
Woodstock, 1994
di Tanatos

Questa storia ha ottenuto 2 recensioni.
Positive : 1
Neutre o critiche: 1 (guarda)

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Recensore Junior
20/01/13, ore 20:08
Cap. 1:

Actually I wait for something REALLY good, probably... Anyway, I'm interested in this story, and I hope this is going to be like I though.
Rage and Love
Jade Shenanigans
You honoured me with your english review, so I'm doing the same with you :D
Another thing: I love AWESOME(see awsome, beacause you wrote it wrong) as Fuck, but naturally this is just my opinion! See you soon :D kisses
(Recensione modificata il 20/01/2013 - 08:22 pm)