Recensioni per
Cuochi, moschettieri e... golosità!
di telesette

Questa storia ha ottenuto 11 recensioni.
Positive : 11
Neutre o critiche: 0

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Nuovo recensore
06/03/12, ore 20:45
Cap. 3:

Capitolo breve ma piacevole. La storia procede bene :) quindi ancora complimenti.

Nuovo recensore
03/03/12, ore 19:19

:) una storia davvero divertente. Ho letto la tua risposta e ho capito perchè usi un carattere piccolo. Quindi prometto che non criticherò più questa tua scelta :) comunque, ho visto che hai messo anche molte one-shot su Dartanian e passerò volentieri a dare un'occhiata anche a loro.
Comunque questa storia mi piace veramente moltissimo :)

Nuovo recensore
22/02/12, ore 19:48
Cap. 1:

La storia inizia molto bene. Sembra divertente e attinente al genere e alla trama della storia originale. Niente errori grammaticali o sintattici ma dovresti usare un carattere più grande. La voglio seguire e voglio recensire tutti i capitoli.

Recensore Veterano
19/02/12, ore 10:50
Cap. 4:

Hi like this? ^ ____ ^, The Musketeers went after the thieves, who to get rid of them, began to throw the entire contents of the cart was stolen, but in their mad race lost control of this and turned both the thieves and the Musketeers, managed stop the thieves unfortunately chef's recipe lying on the ground, mission failure and there was no time to do it again, Aramis wasted no time to scold Porthos, Athos spoke soothing but his friend, they all felt bad about have failed, they returned to the people realized that the royal insignia were put, this meant that the king was present, they were concerned, serious scolding spectacular, given the humiliation of the king, in the way they encountered villagers and peguntaron was going on, these were told that the chef of the king was the winner of the contest, they could not believe, as was possible if the recipe was on the floor, rushed to get there, they were informed that the winning recipe was taken from his shop, but they do not know how, anyway it worked out well the king was proud, the chef had his reputation and no one knew what happened, you thank the chef for his support made ​​the recipe that had been stolen, they were happy, congratulated his friend, this story is very original, especially the way they invented mayonnaise, congratulations, I hope you revisit the other stories, thanks for sharing ^ ____ ^.

Nuovo recensore
18/02/12, ore 05:48
Cap. 1:

Hello, telesette,
I'll post my review in english, as unfortunately my italian is too bad...
I just want to say that I like reading your ffs, they're well written, not one is repetitive, and they all show different perspectives about small moments that "could have been" in the anime!! Even if I'm a A&A fan through and through (okay, I also like François&Renee ffs), I've read all your stories, and even the ones about Anne and Louis are beautiful!
You try to keep faithful to the anime and its characters, and that's what makes me like to read your stories!!
And this one here, totally different, comedy style, but yet it has action, it involves an intrigue, and Porthos' favourite subject: food!!! LOl..LOL...
So, please finish this one, and finish your other ones too, you are being read!!!

Recensore Junior
17/02/12, ore 16:21
Cap. 4:

che bello questo capitolo e quante emozioni.
la descrizione dell'insegumento ti è riuscita perfettamente... sono rimasta incollata alla sedia fino alla fine!
grande Porthos! è sempre il migliore ma grande anche Ronzinante.. quel cavallino è davvero una forza
ma Athos e Aramis li hanno raggiunti a piedi? no perchè arrivano sempre in ritardo! no scherzo! alla prossima

Recensore Veterano
17/02/12, ore 08:27
Cap. 3:

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^ I am pleased to update, the Musketeers have each taken their positions to ensure the protection of the chef, unfortunately Porthos, who is only thinking of his stomach under the guard, this was exploited by two thugs who stole unhesitatingly the recipe, Porthos goes in pursuit, in the way they encounter Dartagnan is joined after Athos and Aramis are requesting an explanation, not wasting time scolds Aramis Porthos, but that better leave it for later, the last two Musketeers go in search of their horses to chase the thieves, I hope that our friends achieve retrieve the recipe, although this does not save a scolded Porthos by Athos and Aramis, I hope the problem is fixed soon and may raise whole chapters, update soon, thanks for sharing ^ _____ ^.

Recensore Junior
16/02/12, ore 15:59
Cap. 3:

che carina questa storia
una storia origina che differisce da tutte le altre.
mi piace questa sfida culinaria!
dato l'orario mi ha fatto venire voglia di far merenda.
peccato che tu abbia problemi con l' editor... spero tu riesca a risolverli presto!

Recensore Veterano
31/12/11, ore 08:46

Hello! I hope this good ^____^, a chapter very funny, especially the funny scenes between Porthos and Aramu are a necessary complement, she rebukes him for not screwing up this, which is more serious, that its espacion to Nese, I think that Porthos is going to be used at the time you put Nese to cook, but I kind of danger is prepared for the four friends, apart from a stomach congestion, I liked your idea of ​​a culinary chapter, just missing a food fight, or a pie fight, if you have bad memory Aramis Devil by the cakes, I'll be waiting for her next chapter, thank you for sharing ^_____^.

Recensore Junior
30/12/11, ore 16:24
Cap. 1:

finalmente una fic a rating verde,dopo tanto tempo!
una storia molto originale,non le solite battaglie e o sfide amorose!
mmmm,mi sa che Parcelle invece perderà la gara,perchè ho capito ad occhio di che ricetta si tratta l'intruglio immangiabile come lo chiama lui,che invece è buonissimo!
Alla prossima!

Recensore Veterano
30/12/11, ore 12:18
Cap. 1:

Hello! I hope this good ^____^, is good to know you, but it is wise to this and has three ongoing stories, all with different themes, I hope soon to update the other two, this story is a comedy but is that Porthos becomes part series, plus a plot against the king, that's more serious, the four friends are going as an escort, at this point until they will be able to be poisoned, just to taste the dishes, I wish you happy new year and soon Update your story, thanks for sharing ^____^.