Recensioni per
Mai girare tre volte di seguito a sinistra
di telesette

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Recensore Master
30/08/12, ore 18:30

Questa volta recensisco!
Storisa leggerissima,sembra quasi una sola scena di un'intero capitolo.Purtroppo, mi sono affaticata la vistaper quanto sia piccolo il tipo di carattere usato.Bč, che dire:
Athos ,la prossima volta fai come ti dice Aramis!

Recensore Veterano
26/02/12, ore 11:57

ma che carina ....povero athos apreso le botte per niente prossima volta starą pił attento hihihi ..bravo ciao alla prossima

Nuovo recensore
26/02/12, ore 04:28

hi there! it's nice to know you're writing again... I love your one-shots ... I hope to read more AxA!!!

Recensore Junior
24/02/12, ore 17:11

che storia carina! ed anche molto divertente!
povero Athos che sfortuna... per non dire altro! hai ragione la prossima volta dai retta ad Aramis se no magari finisci con altro che un occhio nero!

Recensore Veterano
24/02/12, ore 08:38

Hello! like this? ^ _____ ^, Loved it, great, Athos and Aramis as always are together, Athos takes a shortcut to the problems, Dartagnan think your friend is stealing the bride, and not bother going to work, going Athos to search for the captain did not scold, but Gascon receives it with insult and with the intention of hitting him, Athos has no choice but to calm him to death, in that Porthos and Aramis arrive, they see when it hits the higher Musketeers, the distracted and Gascon takes to beat him, his friends say while clarifying the misunderstanding, the young man apologizes when he hears the truth Athos, Athos is not angry, but learn a lesson hurt a lot, here there is good mess matters, and has everything going Dartagnan Aramis, that the get jealous, not talk with Athos, gets to mourn, Athos and was quite poor with a black eye, I hope to continue writing, thanks for sharing ^ ____ ^.