Storie originali > Poesia
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Autore: DazedPlatypus    20/04/2012    0 recensioni
Credo che spiegare il significato di una poesia sia inutile. Una poesia è bella perché per ogni persona che la legge c'è un significato diverso. Quindi non voglio stare a spiegarvi perché ho scritto questa "poesia", per chi lo scritta, cosa significa ecc... Se vi farà sentire qualcosa sarà un buon lavoro; sennò.. beh mi scuso per avervi rubato 5 minuti di tempo.
Ps scrivo in inglese perché la trovo una lingua migliore per il mio genere di "poesia".
Genere: Poesia | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: non specificato
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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"When a man says
'I love you'
while you're doing it
he doesn't say it
because he loves
but because
he loves
what you're doing".
That's what she said,
a little drunk,
talking and laughing
with her friend.
I looked at her,
a few steps away,
inhibited by
by her sight.
She conveyed 
vermillion red,
Men look at her
they fuck her
with their eyes,
they offer drinks to her,
they offer cigarettes:
she accepts them.
They just want to fuck,
she wants to
keep them
on their toes,
play with them,
have fun,
fool them.
She is a dominatrix.
I look at her
an inch away from cracking up,
from uncover myself.
No, anybody have to see
what is burning
between us.
No, anybody have to notice
our sights.
Meanwhile i see
trying to touch her ass;
more alcohol,
more cigarettes,
listening to her maundering
Watching her throwing up.
But after that night
received their own
two of spades
they will never
show them off 
and they will never
remember her name too.
chaining down my tongue
i pour whiskey
on my 
And while she said
"When a man says
'I love you'
while you're doing it
he doesn't say it
because he loves
but because
he loves
what you're doing"
I thought that earlier
we had made love,
in secret,
like mice,
and that i said 
to her
looking at her
deer eyes
"i love you"
though i knew
that the only answer
that i would received
would been
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