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Autore: Mata Turk    10/10/2012    1 recensioni
Trieste in the eyes - Trieste in the heart
The no – yes - no crazy guy,
when going by is not seen,
if he is speaking no one listens him.
Genere: Comico | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: Nessuna
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The no – yes - no crazy guy,
when going by is not seen,
if he is speaking no one listens him.
As he is making something strong, for sure it is wrong.
When he is fixed to be rightful,
people says he is silly and sinful.
The unhappy day when he got quite alone,
empty the fussy brains and broken every bone,
it bursted toward him the appeal of his town.
“Watch me wide and breath my soul!
As for the past I will get along with you
and we shall dream our dreams together!”
With Trieste in the eyes, with Trieste in the heart
sadness dies and pain does not start.
More than ever is easy now a days
driving from town away
searching a job, good luck, a better living way.
But Trieste in the eyes, with Trieste in the heart
whether going for away you will bring always along.
A handful of blue sky
the dance of waves.
A corner in the street to rest and to think
of people going by, of time flying off
of how wonderful is this town.
A large smile for every body
a big hugging of joy
and to youngsters who are leaving
for having no job …
She says come, come back again!
I’m looking up the highland,
I’m looking down at sea,
just waiting my children and see them coming
Triesteyou beautiful beloved our town, 
who knows you well will come here again.
Your powerful buildings.
Your throbbing large streets.
The colours of your sky
the breath of sea
the draw of Carso highland
the steepy upgoing ways.
Triestekeeping you always
in the eyes, in the heart
to feel again alive
dreaming to be still smart.
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