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Autore: Temari    16/06/2007    3 recensioni
Piccolo racconto/poesia su Goku-chan; è basato sopratutto su Saiyuki Gaiden.... Dedicata a DragonGio e Shari_Aruna ^____^
Genere: Generale | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: non specificato | Personaggi: Kanzeon Bosatsu, Son Goku
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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Seiten Taisei
Hello everybody ^______^!!!!
Sn di nuovo qua, purtroppo x voi......

La fanfic ke segue  nn è una poesia: è sl un racconto scritto sotto forma di poesia....
Ci tenevo a ringraziare DragonGio e Shari_Aruna x aver recensito Farewell (mi avete fatto arrossire cn quelle recensioni ^/////^); e volevo quindi dedicare qst "poesia" a loro due, cm ulteriore ringraziamento ^___^....!!

Avvertenza: è in inglese, ma nn preoccupatevi, c'è anke la traduzione nel cap. successivo, in caso serva ^___^

Saiyuki non è mio......

E ora, a voi!!!!!!!!!!!



Heretical being
born from a rock;
people say he's a disgrace,
just because of his eyes.

Golden eyes
that shine like the sun;
eyes full of innocence that,
despite the cruelness the world had put him through,
will never fade.

Originally, he was as free and lonesome
as the birds that soar in the sky,
with no one to rule him,
but also no one to talk to...

Then, the Gods, afraid of what he may one day do,
brought him to the Heavens;
to be looked after, they said, as if such a small cute boy
could become the destroyer of that peaceful yet boring place.

Little did those forgetful Gods know,
that Goku was not just a kid...
They hadn't thought of the consequences,
when some self-centred, gready God
ordered the murder of the boy's friends...

When the golden haired deity fell before Goku's eyes,
the diadem that rested on top of his forehead
shattered, pieces of metal on the ground,
and within a few seconds, the boy's real power was freed.

There, in the middle of the throne's room,
stood the most frightening yet attractive creature ever existed:
Seiten Taisei Son Goku, the Great Sage Equal to Heaven...
full of anger and bloodlust, ready to tore limb by limb
those who killed his guardian and his friends.

In only a few minutes, all the Gods in the room
had found their bloody end;
just when Goku was about to finish off the remaining of the Heaven's army,
the Merciful Goddess made her appearance and, sadly, witnessed
the slaughter that surrounded the once sweet child.

For the Bohttsva was time to take a difficult decision:
kill the kid that her dear nephew loved; or
imprison him in a cage waiting for the right time
when the reincarnation of the golden haired deity,
would go and free the Earth's child....

The Goddess, finally, decided to let the boy live,
'cause she cared a lot for the loving creature
and she wouldn't let anyone hurt him.
And so, the little child was caged on top of a mountain,
cold and alone.

Goku didn't know why he was there,
for his memories had been erased.
He always felt so alone and he constantly called for his Sun,
not remembering who this person was,
but wishing with all of his heart to see him again...

 For five hundred years, the Earth's child waited.
Until finally, Goku's Sun was back,
in the shape of a young buddhist monk
with golden hair and beautifully violet eyes...

After that much time of waiting, the Goddess of Mercy
was wonderfully happy to see that sweet, sweet child
smiling at his guardian so brightly,
once again.

Ok, qst era in inglese (spero nn sia troppo difficile da capire ^^)

X chi la vuole anke in italiano, c'è il cap. dopo.....!!!

Leggi le 3 recensioni
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