Storie originali > Poesia
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Autore: LoveInsider    11/02/2014    2 recensioni
Se "l'isola che non c'è" non fosse più quella che tutti ci ricordiamo? Cosa potrebbe essere cambiato? E se nulla fosse più come prima?
(La poesia è in inglese, dato che l'ho scritta durante un corso di scrittura creativa all'estero)
Genere: Poesia | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: Nessuna
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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I went to Neverland once.

I stared at the sky

And followed the path.

Second star to the right

And straight until morning.

In this Neverland

There were no Hook’s pirates.

Where were the Indians?

And the Mermaids?

And the Lost Boys?

None of them were there:

The beach and the crystalline water were deserted.

I crossed the dense, abandoned forest

And reached the other part of the island.

It was all a big city. My paradise.

There I found everyone.

The Mermaids were on the corner of the streets

The Indians were part of a circus act

And the Lost boys really looked lost.

It seemed like pirates took over.

I asked about Peter Pan:

“Where is Pan?”

They looked disgusted just hearing his name.

“He left” said a brokenhearted Tinker Bell.

Then, disappointed, I left.

Neverland was gone.

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