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Autore: LoveInsider    04/07/2014    0 recensioni
Si dice che alcune persone siano legate da un filo, ma cosa succede quando questo filo si unisce?
Genere: Romantico | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: Het
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: nessuno | Contesto: Contesto generale/vago
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It’s said that some people are connected by a string.

Personally, I have always imagined it as an invisible little string coming out of our eyes and, when it finds its half in someonelse’s they connect. The two halfs come together.

It happened a day, a cold day of December, that two eyes met and two strings connected. Harry and Bonnie. They didn’t realize it though, both too occupied walking in the busy streets filled with people looking for the perfect Christmas gift. 

That night though they dreamed each other and they both woke up with a feeling of loneliness, as something was missing. And, in fact, that half of the string was missing. That same string that earlier finally was completed. 

They tried not to pay too much attention to it, dedicating themselves to their daily activities. The days passed but that feeling of loneliness persisted even though their days were filled with meetings with friends and family.

Bonnie studied law, while Harry was a photographer. He often wandered around the city looking for a nice shot: a smile, a hug, a detail, elements from daily life, anything significative that his Canon could capture and guard. And it’s through his camera that he saw Bonnie again, that the two strings rejointed for another second. This time though, Harry didn’t remain indifferent., the loneliness feeling finally vanished and he realized it. 

He decided to follow that girl, that instead didn’t see him. Bonnie went into a bar and, as she sat down, she noticed Harry’s presence. As for Harry that emptiness feeling vanished when she met his eyes.

They observed each other a lot that afternoon, even though Bonnie tried to concentrate on her books and study for the imminent exam. She tried but couldn’t. The strings acted as magnets and her eyes kept reflecting in the stranger’s eyes.

Bonnie sometimes still wanders how she stood up, what strange force gave her the courage to go towards Harry.

“Hi, I’m Bonnie” she introduced herself

“Harry” he answered with a beautiful smile.


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