Videogiochi > Dark Souls
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Autore: Daraen of Eyirinmert    09/08/2014    3 recensioni
"My dear sister... You know, I still remember… Your beautiful, silky face... If only I could gaze upon it once more..."
I'll be short: I LOVE, these two characters and this flash-fic will never be at their height. Indeed, I think I'm belittling them. However, I hope you'll enjoy it.
Oh, I used two or three sentences from the real ones. This, because MY words can not compete with them. I hope you'll understand. And sorry for the bad layout.
Genere: Dark, Drammatico, Fantasy | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: Nessuna
Note: Missing Moments | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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"Is it you... sister?"
The pale girl heard a noise from the end of the corridor.

"Yes, It is me. I'm back!"
The witch replied immediately.

"P-please, come closer"
She said with a trembling and weak voice.

At first the lady hesitated but she slowly walked to her young sister.
When she arrived in front of the girl, she stared at her thin and beautiful face lingering on the closed eyes.

"My dear sister... You know, I still remember… Your beautiful, silky face... If only I could gaze upon it once more..."
The Fair Lady said this bringing her trembling hand on her sister's right cheek. 

At this point she couldn't do anything but start to sob.

"Quelaag... don't cry. I'm happy, truly! I have you, d-don't I? 
Her lips curved in a beautiful smile to reassure her older sister.

"Y-yeah Quelaan... you're right. I will watch over you... forever"
Tears were flowing from her eyes but she tried to smile.

"Y-you've always been so kind to me. I'm r-really happy that you are here... now." 
The little sister hugged Quelaag bringing her head to her chest.
Even she, was crying, now. 

Quelaag let the girl hug her. Indeed, she clung to her as hard as she could.
"D-don't be stupid 'Laan. You are my sweet little sister, It is normal!"

"Th-thank you..." 
She coughed repeatedly.

"Quelaan! Are you ok!?"
The older one said worried.

"Mh... y-yes... I'm o-only tired. I think i-it's better if I rest a bit' "
Quelaan seemed to be at the point of faint.

"Yes. You're right..."
She put the hands on her sister's shoulders.
"I'll be over there if you need something"

"Yeah... Goodbye Quelaag. Do be safe..."
She fell asleep.




"Quelaan. . ."
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