Fanfic su artisti musicali > My Chemical Romance
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Autore: FrerardDestroya    15/02/2016    1 recensioni
Questo libro č una raccolta di lettere scritte ma mai spedite di due ragazzi che si amano ma che questo amore sta distruggendo lentamente... Chissā se questi ragazzi troveranno mai il coraggio di spedirsi queste lettere l'un l'altro...
Le prime due lettere sono scritte in inglese, ma le altre saranno tradotte in intaliano
Genere: Sentimentale | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: Slash | Personaggi: Altri, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro | Coppie: Frank/Gerard
Note: AU, Raccolta | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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They say you are weird, you are a fucking shit but, for me, you are perfect in every single way you are.
You don't have to be afraid to be yourself even if the world wants to beat you down.
You know that you're heart is bulletproof and things are better if you want.
You have to fight all the monsters and all the ghosts behind you.
Fear is only in your mind, so think about how you can overcome every obstacle and win everything you want.
The only hope for me is you alone.
I'd never told you things like that, I love you so much.
If I have to go to hell I wanna go there with you 'cause you're a part of my heart and the others can't understand why we are so close but I don't care!
We are not okay, but I promise you right now that I'll never leave you alone.
We have to scream to the world "Fuck off! We love each other and you can't accept it, but it's doesn't matter! We're two guys and if you have problems with us you can go to hell! "
You're the best thing in my fucking life.

xoxo Frnk
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