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Autore: LawrenceTwosomeTime    24/05/2009    0 recensioni
Dopo aver scoperto quel capolavoro di comicità che è Detroit Metal City, mi è venuta voglia di replicare le gesta di Krauser II...Scritto sulla falsariga di "Bitch Pig Symphony".
Ci tengo a precisare che non sono un misogino e che la suddetta canzone è stata scritta per puro divertimento.
Genere: Parodia, Demenziale, Satirico | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: non specificato
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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The horny crowd applaud
rotten fleshes sacrilege
Every man borns for this reason: to slam it in some slut's ass
or being fucked by a telegraphic aerial
The ladies swallow hectolitres of resentment
like spunk, choking desire
In uterine's scream frustration hides
sperm hunger

The woman's a succubus, naturally slave
I don't care about hair, lips or joy
the only thing's important is the bitch's bacon

Meat pieces to dismember and then sell
Invertebrate carcass's inveterate rape
Marcescent loins' grotesque bleed
by cannibal lashes' snaps and strokes

The woman's revolting, mother of bastards
I don't care about attentions, offspring or love
I only care the cunt we soon or later reclaim!

Bowel movement, blasphemous menses
Greasy dicks tempest in the Whore Cave
Bacons 'gonna pay for the undercoat dark havoc
which deprived male yoke in the time of born

Three hundred and sixty cum, bitchy gym
scotch the spikes, sodomize the slut

You just need to cut out the bacon!
To pluck the hen!
Snotties be our slaves, hags feed the ground
My cream will sprinkle your shit, Shitty Women!!!
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