Serie TV > Hannibal
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Autore: Jessica Verger    19/04/2018    0 recensioni
ti capisco ... anche sotto il tuo specchio... ti capisco
Genere: Commedia | Stato: in corso
Tipo di coppia: Nessuna | Personaggi: Mason Verger
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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mason takes me to the slaughterhouse where his father founds his fortune, I hear the pigs scream, I cling to mason and tells me that after some time you get used to it, I think mason in his life to see things that would scare him but he and built a world of his own. I actually wonder what he feels under that sadistic mask, no one has ever asked her whether she suffers or suffered, I wonder if her father really loved him or uses it only for the name of his hierarchy, I stop and mason tells me what happens, all the workers stop intrigued, I stand on tiptoe and kiss him saying that I understand him, he smiles and in his eyes I read his emotion.
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