Film > The Avengers
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Autore: Robin2700    01/04/2019    0 recensioni
''I'm sorry, i didn't make it''.
La storia è in inglese, so enjoy e non vergognatevi a lasciare una recensione :)
Genere: Angst, Drammatico, Introspettivo | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: Slash | Personaggi: Steve Rogers/Captain America, Tony Stark/Iron Man
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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When you're not around me, my world seems to collapse down to a big grey sea and i drown to the deepest bottom, like that day in New York.
I don't search for breath, i search for you but you're not here: you're in the sky, among the stars. So I go further and further down until i get to the other side of the world. Maybe I'll see the sky from there.

You have these little shoulders compared to mine. You hold them strained, constantly, as if you wanted to make yourself bigger than the world itself. Yet when i lay my hand in the middle of them you curl up, i break your own security with no words. And your hands ... your hands sometimes tremble when i touch your knuckles.

Don't take it if i tremble. Don't be sad if i feel panic even if it's just the air that touches me. What is gone is far away from us, but ... i guess it never leaves me at all.

You cry every night in the shower and i can't do anything but hate the man who made you so scared, because i wasn't there to protect you, because i hate that you have to fumble to breathe.

I take your hand in mine, maybe tonight i will reborn for you, to start again together a life where i no longer felt pain.

Even tonight it hurt, to see your reflection near the window, to let go down the bottle of beer on the floor, to touch your back, your fingers. And when your hand touches mine, even tonight I will know that you are gone, that your ghost also has cold hands and a blood-stained temple. Please, forgive me if i still curses because i can't get drunk.

I'm sorry Steve, I didn't make it.

Your smell is still here, Tony.
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