Film > The Avengers
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Autore: Ram92    28/09/2019    0 recensioni
Una collezione di pensieri e momenti da Avenger: Endgame dal punto di vista di Tony Stark.
Ispirata e scritta basandosi sulla canzone 'Little Black Submarines' dei Black Keys.
Attenzione: scritta in inglese
Genere: Introspettivo, Malinconico, Song-fic | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: Het | Personaggi: Pepper Potts, Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Steve Rogers/Captain America, Tony Stark/Iron Man
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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Little black submarines
Operator please 
Put me back on the line 

Told my girl I’d be back 
Operator please 
This is wrecking my mind 
Lost in space again, and again all I’m thinking about is you. I keep leaving you messages. I’m not sure I’ll make it back this time. I’m not even entirely sure I want to. But all I can think about is you. It’s always been you, Pep. And I want you to know this.
It’s been ten years since New York, and my nightmare is here again. I’m scared to my guts again, just like then. And I keep trying to reach you. I don’t want to die without letting you know that all I can think about when I’m scared is you. That all I can think about out here is you. That it’s always been you, Pep.
Pick you up, let you down 
When I wanna go 
To a place I can hide 
No, Cap, I’m not coming this time. I can’t. I can’t get out there again. I’ve got too much to lose. And now I know what it means. I can’t lose them. I can’t. I wouldn’t make it back, this time.
And still, there’s something I can do. And this could take him back. It was all my fault. He was just a kid he shouldn’t have been there, and Strange shouldn’t have given up the stone. It was to save me that they all died, it was to save me that he died. And now I know I could take him back.
You know me, I had plans 
But they just disappeared 
To the back of my mind 

What should I do, Pep?
We’ve got everything we could hope for. And I still have plans for us. The roof needs repairing and I know I can finally make the garage door open with a finger snap, still working on it. I know we’ve been lucky. And I don’t want to lose all this. But I could take the kid back. And everyone else. That’s all I can think about. I could take him back. And I can’t sleep.
What should I do, Pep?
Oh, can it be? 
The voices calling me 
They get lost and out of time
I should’ve seen it glow 
But everybody knows 
That a broken heart is blind 
Pepper, the kid, Rhodey. They’re all here, beside me.
Their faces are fading, everything is getting blurred.
...We won Mr Stark... We’re gonna be okay. You can rest now...
I took them all back. I took him back. And they’re gonna be okay.
Strange had foreseen all of this from the beginning. That’s why he gave up the stone. We had one chance in 14,000,605. He did what he had to do. I did what I had to do. And now everything will be alright. They are gonna be alright. I can see that now.
I should have seen this coming. This is how it had to end. I should have known, Strange had been clear about it. The Da Vinci of my time, sure, but not great at planning. Well, that’s what they say, that a broken heart is blind. I’ve spent the last fifteen years trying to repair mine. But I can see clearly now. They’re all gonna be okay.

Ram's corner

Scusate se la posto in inglese, ma è stata pensata per il sito ao3 e in generale a partire da testi (la canzone e il film) che ho conosciuto in inglese.
Magari in futuro mi toglierò la pigrizia e la tradurrò in italiano, fatemi sapere se qualcuno è particolarmente interessato.

Alla prossima,
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