Kelloggs Snowflakes
Membro dal: 31/10/10
Recensore Junior (94 recensioni)


Gray November, I've been down since July
Motion capture put me in a bad light

I replay my footsteps on each stepping stone
Trying to find the one where I went wrong
Writing letters addressed to the fire

  1 - A q u i l e g i a

  2 - Alexiel_Chan

  3 - Aneurysm

  4 - Angorian

  5 - Any Ikisy

  6 - Arianna4President

  7 - Artemisia89

  8 - Aya Lawliet ___backupFGI

  9 - biebersmile

  10 - comeseiqui

  11 - DarkNihal14

  12 - EvgeniaPsyche Rox

  13 - Feel Good Inc

  14 - FiammyYashi

  15 - Gixi

  16 - GreedFan

  17 - Hayley Black

  18 - hellaide

  19 - Holly Rosebane

  20 - JohnnyMignotta

  21 - Junie

  22 - Kelloggs Snowflakes

  23 - Leo _HP_

  24 - Lizzie_Siddal

  25 - Lupus

  26 - mistyemily

  27 - Mizar19

  28 - monnezzakun

  29 - moonwhisper

  30 - N i s h e

  31 - OpheliaBlack

  32 - PerfectConcert_

  33 - pikaendpichu98

  34 - RachelWantsToGoToBroadway

  35 - RoseScorpius

  36 - Set_WingedWarrior

  37 - Shellyng

  38 - shining leviathan

  39 - Stacheldraht

  40 - Stella Livingston

  41 - Tanuki

  42 - TuttaColpaDelCielo

  43 - uchihagirl

  44 - V a l y

  45 - Viki_chan

  46 - wyoming

  47 - xstaystrongandsmile

  48 - Yati

  49 - _Ella_