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Autore: minna    09/01/2013    0 recensioni
non è una storia, è solo un rimpianto... rimpiango di non aver fatto nulla per avvicinarlo, rimpiango di non essermi mostrata più benevolente nei suoi confronti... non rimpiango di non averlo mai baciato, quello no: rimpiango il fatto che Lui non mi abbia mai stretto fra le sue braccia e non abbia mai saputo che io ero sua... perché che Lui fosse mio o meno non aveva alcuna importanza allora: ciò che avrei veramente voluto era che mi abbandonassi letteralmente a Lui, che mi perdessi nelle sue braccia...
Genere: Malinconico | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: Nessuna
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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che mi ha ingannato tante volte,
ma in cui continuo a credere come e più di prima.
<< I don’t know how it happened
It all took place so quick
But all I can do is hand it to you
And your latest trick>>
Dire straits “Your Latest Trick”
I still smile when I think at him.
At his body looking like a man, being only a guy.
At his perfect back that makes you look at all his figure long.
At his powerful hands, and powerful arms, that you just wonder how strictly they could hold you.
At his dark blue eyes which look at you so deeply that you stop smiling, stop breathing and are just captured.
At his lips, so kissable.
At his wonderful smile, that makes you hide because you are embarrassed by such a good looking guy smiling to you.
And I’m wondering how could it be possible that it didn’t happen, that we weren’t together since we loved each other. Because I loved him, and I knew he loved me too, by the way he looked at me, the way he smiled to me, the way he held me, and the way he kissed me... on my cheek.

Maybe he was afraid, like me, that we could probably really love each other, and when summer was gone we were over; so better not to start anything, right? Or maybe it’s just a fantasy, but I can’t stop thinking on that way.

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