Fanfic su artisti musicali > One Direction
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Autore: LH2    24/05/2014    1 recensioni
Here comes that period of the year when you are back on the road again. Same old shows you might say.
I wish I could agree.
Genere: Romantico | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: Nessuna | Personaggi: Harry Styles
Note: Nonsense | Avvertimenti: Bondage, Incompiuta, Non-con
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"Here comes that period of the year when you are back on the road again. Same old shows you might say. 
I wish I could agree. 
I wish you could feel that tragic, complete, energetic feeling I feel when I stand up in front of the stage. 
I wish you could say you are grateful to be there, to have waisted all those money for two hours of happiness. 
Two hours of his presence, his voice, his smile, maybe even his tears. His breath. 
Two hours of you. 
A you with an empty brain. 
A you that is worried about nothing. 
A you that is selfish, greedy. 
Because that moment is yours and no one dares to ruin it, to say a word on it. 
And if you touch it with your judgements, you touch me. 
And that means you don't know me.
I wish you could feel so complete you don't need to look forward to...anything, anyone. Not anymore. 
But then I don't wish you feel this way because it's either a blessing and a curse. 
And I realise my devil wears curls."
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