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Autore: NightFury99    11/01/2015    0 recensioni
"[...]Lovely this lonely hill for me[...]"
Genere: Generale | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: Nessuna
Note: Traduzione | Avvertimenti: Bondage
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Lovely this lonely hill for me was always
And this hedge, that for such a portion wide
Keeps the remote horizon out of sight.
But sitting and admiring, everlasting
Spaces beyond of that, and such divine
Silences, and si deep a stillness
I figure in mind, so that my heart
Can scarcely bear it. And as the sigh
Of wind I hear beneath these boughs, this voice
To that infinite silence I compare,
I remember Eternity, and past seasons,
the present one, and how it sounds. Through this
Immensity dive deep my thoughts awhile
And sweet for me to lapse into this sea

(G. Leopardi, Canti, Milano, 1981, ingl.)
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