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Autore: Akrois   Capitolo: 2
[Tre illuminate short ispirate ai FML. Tre illuminate coppie, tutte comprendenti Finn Hudson. Tre illuminati rating a salire. Ho detto tutto? Sì, ho detto tutto.]
1- "Today, a guy who I have know for a long time confessed his love to me. It would have been sweet except that he will become my stepbrother in 3 days. FML." |Furt|
2- "Today, I got back from vacation and walked in on my boyfriend and my brother in my bed. FML." |Flaine/Flaint|
3- "Today, I woke up next to my best friend after lots of drinking and the best sex I’ve ever had in my life. The only problem is we’re both straight males. FML."|Fuck|
-Tra tutte le cose che ti ho fatto ammanettarti è stata la cosa minore, sai?
Personaggi: Finn Hudson, Noah Puckerman/Puck
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