Membro dal: 15/05/14
Nuovo recensore (22 recensioni)

"Always in my heart @harry_styles . yours sincerely Louis" - Louis Tomlinson

"I think I would definitely date louis" - Harry Styles

"My real first crush was Louis Tomlinson" - Harry Styles

"Now kiss your fool" - Harry Styles 

"I love larry stylinson" - Louis Tomlinson

"I have a secret but I’m not telling" - Harry Styles

"i’m in love with louis and all his little things" - Harry Styles

"and I’d marry you Harry" - Louis Tomlinson 

"cause I can’t compete with my boyfriend" - Louis Tomlinson

"I take Harry for the night" - Louis Tomlinson 

"you look lovely tonight, Louis" - Harry Styles

"She’s (Caroline Flack) really hot, Louis too" - Harry Styles 

"@Louis_tomlinson have fun sweet cheeks…see you at home later .x" - Harry Styles

"@Harry_Styles Miss you baby cakes" - Louis Tomlinson 

"Salt and Vinegar (awnsering Liam about what flavor is Harry)" - Louis Tomlinson

 H: Where do you want to sit?

  L: Next to you. ” - Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson

"It doesn't matter who or how you love. All love is equal. Actually i have this friend who fell in love with his other friend" -Ed Sheeran


Sono Aleks,15 anni,amo leggere ed ascoltare musica.


Lettrice silenziosa,se mi piace davvero una storia la metto tra le preferite o in casi rari commento ahah.

[Larry] [Troyler]


Se mi cercate su twitter sono untiltheendx ricambio (:
  1 - InsaneB

  2 - mirinae

  3 - paperdreams

  4 - thepurpledoor