Membro dal: 24/03/14
Nuovo recensore (13 recensioni)

                                              The girl who can’t be moved.                                                     

                                    Voglio disegnare con la luce, voglio diventare una fotografa.

                      Donami una penna e un foglio, potrò mostrarti nuovi mondi creati sulle parole.

                          Non lasciare che la tua vita bruci come una sigaretta che non viene fumata.

                                         { Real fans save bands, real bands save fans. #5SOSFAM. }

 { Ed Sheeran is like my wonderwall that keeps me anchored to the ground even when I want to fly away. }

                                               { Can you feel my heart? #BringMeTheHorizon. }

                                                    { Christina Aguilera, the queen of my life. }

                              {  The Rixton are my little secret, one that will stay in me forever. }

                                               { Superheroes, The Script, my everyday heroes. }

            { I saw my dream, I saw the one direction that have always guided me in my right path. }

                                       { Pretty Hurts, we shine the light on whatever's worse, be strong. }

                                       { I'm in love with a bass player with eyes color chocolate. }


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5 Seconds of Summer (Classifica della sezione) - edxwonderland ha ottenuto 10 punti nella sezione