Membro dal: 08/05/05
Recensore Veterano (419 recensioni)

{{ . P r i n c e s s e . C h a r m a n t e . }}
. M a g g i e . G r a c e . { Shannon Rutherford }

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Maggie Grace fan || Shannon Rutherford fan || Boone/Shannon shipper


|| Mermaid of the sea ||

I float beneath the surface,
without need of harsh air.
Sun-flecks flutter downwards, lost in blue.
I breathe the water: oxygen reddens my blood,
redder than coral.
Shoals of fish dart and twist in bright chorus,
slow creatures nestle and forage among.
Dark boulders where weeds fan out like flukes,
waving softly as my hair.
I pause,
feel the silver locket,
bump gently at my breast,
dive back, head over tail like dolphins.

|| Poem by Alexandra Beaucieux ||


{{ . P u r e . I n n o c e n c e .}}
. E m i l i e . d e . R a v i n . { Claire Littleton }

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Emilie de Ravin fan || Claire Littleton fan || Charlie/Claire shipper


|| Lune d' été ||

... Et sais-tu que toi-même aussi, nocturne reine,
Tu cesseras un jour de briller dans les cieux?
Tu mourras comme doit mourir la race humaine,
Et l'ombre habitera les airs silencieux.

De toutes tes splendeurs, de tes beautés divines,
de ce rayonnement qui remplissait les airs,
il ne restera rien qu'un chaos de ruines
traversant égaré la nuit de l'univers!

|| Poesie de Alice de Chambrier ||


Nessuna storia trovata.