Membro dal: 30/08/08
Recensore Junior (185 recensioni)
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Who am I: mi chiamo Giulia e ho 20 anni. In più ho un cervellino con pochi neuroni sempre in movimento.
Soprannomi: Giù
Come sono: Impulsiva, ma questo non mi ha mai creato problemi,anzi. Odio la troppa razionalità. Disponibile, gentile ma forse un po prevenuta con chi non conosco. Allegra, simpatica ma anche testarda e a volte autoritaria...tanto.
Cosa amo e adoro sopra ogni cosa: il mio ragazzo, la pasta, i dolci, la spiaggia, la mia Mini Cooper, la Juve, uscire con le amiche, lo shopping, scrivere, la musica, i bambini, la Coca Cola, i miei cani e i miei gatti, stare sotto la pioggia, i libri, Gossip Girl, Gray's Anatomy, Edward Cullen, i fiori, i messaggini del buon giorno e della buona notte del mio fidanzato, i film strappalacrime ed ogni altra cosa sdolcinata da far venire la carie.

Cosa odio: chi mente, il chinotto e la birra, chi crede di sapere tutto e chi parla a sproposito. La Roma e il Milan, la sveglia alle 6:30, non avere tempo da dedicare a ciò che amo, Pomeriggio cinque e Domenica Cinque e con loro tutti i programmi demenziali, l'ignoranza, chi mi disturba mentre guardo Gossip Girl e chi dice che ho visto mille volte Twilight e che farò lo stesso con New Moon...e ha ragione.
Cosa ascolto: Roxette, Roxette, Roxette. The Script, The Script, The Script...li adoro!Cooldplay, Lamb, The General Specific, The National, Bloc Party, Shiny Toy Guns, Air, Sagi Rei, Snow Patrol, One Republic, Beyonce, Akon, Diana Ross, Sia, Take That, The Calling, U2, Cindy Lauper, All Saint, James Morrison, Elisa, Chris Brown, Nelly Furtado, Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Finley Quaye, Sting, Dido, Linkin Park, Depeche Mode, Muse, Celine Dion, Feeder, Natalie Imbruglia ma anche Gianna Nannini, Venditti, Baglioni...
Cosa leggo: qualunque cosa scritta da Stephanie Mayer. E da Sparks Nicholas, Jane Austen, Neil Gaiman, Louisa May Alcott, Samuel Richardson, Hosseini Khaled, Oscar Wilde, William Shakespeare, Charles Dikens, Hannah Arendt, Giorgio Faletti...

Cose che vedo alla tv: Gossip Girl, Una mamma per amica, Gray's Anatomy, Dr House, The OC, Dawson's Creek, Sex and the City, Desperate Housewife, Heros, The Tudors, David Letterman Show...
Film preferiti: New Moon, Twilight, I passi dell'amore, Titanic, Romeo e Giulietta, Moulin Rouge, Into the Wild, ElisabethTown, Schindler's List, La Vita è Bella, Stardust, DragonHearth, Notting Hill, Harry ti presento Sally, Il ritratto di Dorian Gray, Rain Man, Il talento di Mr Ripley, Ocean's Twelve...

It seemed like a miracle that he was there,
his arms still waiting for me. He reached out to me, and my heart thumped unsteadily.
«Welcome back,» he murmured, taking me into his arms. He rocked me for a while in silence, until I noticed that his clothes were changed, his hair smooth.
«You left?» I accused, touching the collar of his fresh shirt.
«I could hardly leave in the clothes I came in - what would the neighbors think?»
I pouted.
«You were very deeply asleep; I didn't miss anithing.» His eyes gleamed. «The talking came earlier»
I groaned. «What did you hear?»
His gold eyes grew very soft. «You said you loved me.»
«You knew that already.» I reminder him, ducking my head.
«It was nice to hear, just the same.»
I hid my face against his shoulder.
«I love you,» I whispered.
«You are my life now,» he answered simply.
There was nothing more to say for the moment.
Stephanie Mayer, Twilight, cap. 15

«Amazing,» he said, his exquisite voice full of wonder, slightly amused. «Carlisle was right.»
I tried to gasp, but my voice had no sound. «You've got to get back into the shadows. You have to move!»
He seemed bemused. His hand brushed softly against my cheek. He didn't appear to notice that I was trying to force him back. I could have been pushing against the alley walls for all the progress I was making. The clock tolled, but he didn't react.
It was very strange, for I knew we were both in mortal danger. Still, in that instant, I felt well. Whole. I could feel my heart racing in my chest, the blood pulsing hot and fast through my veins again. My lungs filled deep with the sweet scent that came off his skin. It was like there had never been any hole in my chest. I was perfect-not healed, but as if there ha been no wound in the first place.
«I can't believe how quick it was. I didn't feel a thing-they're very good,» he mused, closing his eyes again and pressing his lips against my hair. His voice was like honey and velvet. «Death, that hath sucked the honey of my breath, hath had no power yet upon thy beauty,» he murmured, and I recognized the line spoken by Romeo in the tomb. The clockboomed out its final chime «You smell just exactly the same as always,» he went on. «So maybe this is hell. I don't care. I'll take it.»
Stephanie Mayer, New Moon, cap. 20

I reached for the ring, but his long fingers beat me there. He took my left hand in his, and slid the ring into place on my third finger. He held my hand out, and we both examined the oval sparkling against my shin. It wasn't quite as awful as I'd feared, having it there.
«A perfect fit,» he said indifferently. «That's nice-saves me a trip to the jeweler's»
I could hear some strong emotion burning under the casual tone of his eyes, and I stared up at his face. It was there in his eyes, too, visible despite the careful nonchalance of this expression.
«You like that, don't you?» I asked suspiciously, fluttering my fingers and thinking that it was really too bad that I had not broken my left hand.
He shrugged his shoulders. «Sure,» he said, still casual. «It looks very nice on you»
I stared into his eyes, trying to decripher the emotion that smoldered just under the surface. He gazed back, and the casual pretense suddenly slipped away. He was glowing-his angel's face brilliant with joy and victory. He was so glorious that it knocked me breathless.
Before I could catch that breath, he was kissing me, his lips exultant. I was lightheaded when he moved his mouth to whisper in my ear-but his breathing was just as ragged as mine.
«Yes, I like it. You have no idea»
I laughed, gasping a little. «I believe you»
«Do you mind if I do something» he murmured, his arms tightening around me.
«Anything you want»
But he let me go and slid away. «Anything but that,» I complained.
He igored me, taking my hand and pulling me off the bed, too. He stood in front of me, hands on my shoulders, face serious.
«Now, I want to do this right. Please, please, keep in mind that you're already agreed to this, and don't ruin it for me.»
«Oh, no,» I gasped as he slid down onto one knee.
«Be nice,» he muttered.
I took a deep breath.
«Isabella Swan?» He looked up at me through his impossibly long lashes, his golden eyes soft but, somehow, still scorching. «I promise to love you forever-every single day of forever. Will you marry me?»
There weere many things I wanted to say, some of them not nice at all, and others more disgustingly gooey and romantic than he probably dreamed I was capable of. Rather than embarrass myself with either, I whispered, «Yes»
«Thank you,» he said simply. He took my left hand and kissed each of my fingertips before he kissed the ring that was now mine.
Stephanie Mayer, Eclipse, cap. 20

«Beautiful,» I said,looking up at the moon,too
«It's all right,» he answered,unimpressed. He turned showly to face me; little waves rolled away from his movement and broke against my skin
His eyes looked silver in his ice-colored face. He twisted his hand up so that he could twine our fingers beneath the surface of the water. It was warm enough that his cool skn did not raise goose bumps on mine.
«But I wouldn't use the word beautiful»he continued. «Not wish you standing here in comparison»
I half-smiled,then raised my free hand-it didn't tremble now-and placed it over his heart. White on white; we mached,for once. He shuddered the tiniest bit at my warm touch. His breath came roughter now.
«I promised we would try» he whispered, suddenly tense. «If...if I do something wrong, if I hurt you, you must tell me at once.»
I nodded solemnly, keeping my eyes on his. I took another step through the waves and leaned my head against his chest.
«Don't be afraid,» I murmured. «We belong together»
I was abruptly overwhelmed by the truth of my own words. This moment was so perfect, so right, there was no way to doubt it.
His arms wrapped around me, holding me against him, summer and winter. It felt like every nerve ending in my body was a live wire.
«Forever,» he agreed, and pulled us gently into deeper water.
Stephanie Mayer, Breaking Dawn, cap. 5


This is what happens every night....




Robsten is ON!And all i can say right now is...

  Nessuna serie trovata.